Welcome to Davisville

we’d love to have you as a member !

Davisville Tennis Club offers different  membership categories.

Adult and junior full-time memberships offer full access to courts during all club hours on weekdays and on weekends, as well as opportunities to participate in  all club programs. There is currently a waitlist to join as a full-time member.

Daytime adult and junior members can play on all weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.  They have no  weekend court time. There is a waitlist to join as a daytime member. 

See more details below. 

Full-time Members

  • can reserve courts on-line
  • can play during all Davisville hours
  •  can participate in all Davisville programs and activities, including social events and competitions
  • must be rated by our pro during their first season (first-time rating is free) . Will  not be eligible to rejoin the following season without having been rated.
  • Juniors must be  under 18  as of Jan. 1 of the current year
  • Cost:
    • New adult: $230 + HST for first season
    • Returning adult: $175 + HST per season
    • New junior: $175 + HST for first season
    • Returning  junior: $120 + HST per season
  • Membership renewal for full-time adult and junior members opens on Wednesday, December 18,  2024, and  closes Monday,  January 6,  2025.  After that, vacant spots will be offered to those on the wait list. 
  • Please note that each prospective member must register and fill out an application

Adult Weekday Daytime

  • can reserve courts on-line
  • can play all weekdays, Monday to Friday  (including  holiday Mondays) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.; no weekend play
  • can participate in any weekday daytime activities, programming, lessons and clinics.
  • can participate in Davisville social programs
  • require no rating  
  • have no voting rights
  • recommended for people who prefer playing during mornings and early afternoons, or for those who want a hit before going to work.
  • Cost: $110 + HST per season  
  • Membership renewal for the 2025 season opens  in February 2025. Returning members will have two weeks to renew and then vacant spots will be offered to those on the wait list.
  • Note: Joining as a weekday daytime member does not affect one’s position on the full-time membership waiting list. Weekday daytime members wishing to become full-time members should register (or already be registered) on the full-time membership waiting list.
  • Each prospective member must register and fill out an application.

Junior Weekday Daytime

  Must be under the age of 18 as of Jan. 1 of the current year.

  • Open membership – available throughout the season
  • can  reserve courts online
  • can play weekdays, Monday to Friday (including holiday Mondays), between 8 a,m. and 5 p.m.; no weekend play  
  • can participate in any weekday daytime programming, activities, lessons and  clinics
  • require no rating
  • mandatory membership to participate in summer camps  
  • Cost: $25 per season for children aged four to six
             $45 per season for children aged seven to 17  
  • Registration opens  December 18, 2024
  • There is no wait list for junior daytime membership as we allow juniors to join at any time during the season
  • If you are renewing an existing membership, you should be able to do so from “My Profile” -> “Memberships.” More detailed instructions are available  here.

A few things to know

Membership Registration Details

Returning Full-Time Member Registration

Full-time membership renewal for the 2024 season opens on Sunday, Jan. 9, 2024, offering a guaranteed spot to returning members until Sunday, Jan. 2, 2024; after that date, vacant spots will be offered to those on the waitlist.

Returning members will receive an e-mail with all  instructions from our membership director  (membership@davisvilletennisclub.com). Please make sure  that this e-mail address  is in your e-mail “whitelist” so that it does not get moved to spam/junk folders.

If you are interested in deferring your current membership (allowed for    two years in a row),  you can find out more information about the process here,


If you are interested in full-time membership, please ensure  that your name is on the waitlist by filling out the full-time membership application. This waitlist is completely separate from the weekday daytime membership waitlist, meaning that if you are interested in applying for both, you should place your name on the two separate lists.

Each year, in January,  full-time members in good standing from the previous season will be offered the opportunity to renew for the upcoming season. After the deadline closes for their renewal, those on the waiting list will be offered vacant spots in descending order.  If those on the waitlist do not receive a spot for the upcoming season, they will be sent an e-mail in April to confirm whether they want to remain on the wait list for the following year.

For the 2024 season, full-time and daytime junior members are being offered guaranteed renewal positions from Jan. 7 to Jan. 21, 2024. Following that deadline, those on the wait list will begin to be contacted and offered vacant positions. This process will take place until  all vacant positions are filled.

Please note that an application for the DTC waitlist must be filled out for every prospective member. You will NOT have the chance to add a spouse/child/friend to your application.

For more information,  please send us an e-mail.

Expected full-time member waiting list time: We will update waiting lists once all procedures for 2024 membership are complete..  


Waiting List and New Full  Member Applicants

Waiting List and Weekday Daytime Member Applicants


Returning weekday members will be offered a guaranteed renewal spot for the upcoming season between March 2, and March 16, 2024; after that, vacant spots will be offered to those on Davisville’s daytime member waiting list.

Adults interested in joining the club as a weekday daytime member  can add their names to the waitlist by filling out the weekday daytime membership application. This waitlist is completely separate from the full-time membership waitlist, meaning that, if you are interested in both, you should place your name on the two lists.

Juniors interested in weekday daytime membership for the 2024 season can register starting in January and anytime throughout the season. 

This type of membership is open to anybody under the age if 17 as of January 1 of the upcoming season. 

All of our junior summer campers  must be junior full-time or weekday daytime members.  

Adults who have been weekday daytime members and are waitlisted for full-time membership positions for the 2024 season will learn of their placement by March. After that, those who have not made it into full-time membership may renew their daytime membership. More details are released once full-time membership procedures are completed.

One More Step:

Fee Schedule

Returning Full-Time Member: $175 +tax

New Full-Time Member: $230 + tax

  Returning Junior Full-Time Member: $120 +tax

New Junior Full-Time Member: $175 + tax

Adult Weekday Daytime Member: $110 +tax

Junior Weekday Daytime Member (aged four to six):  $25 +tax

Junior Weekday Daytime Member  (aged seven to 18 ): $45 +tax

Deferred Membership, Full-Time: $75 +tax

Deferred Membership,  Daytime:  $40 +tax 

Honorary Member: $0

Deferred Membership

All  members  of Davisville Tennis Club have the option to put their membership status on hold for the upcoming season.

If a member chooses not to return in the current year, the deferred membership (DM) allows the member to rejoin the following year before those on the waiting list are considered. Members can choose to be deferred  for two consecutive years only.

Deferred membership features:

  • Applicable for full-time adult and junior and daytime members.
  • Applications for deferred memberships must be received before the returning member cut-off date.
  • A member can obtain a deferred membership for no more than two consecutive years.
  • There will be no refunds offered on deferred memberships.
  • Able to participate in social events only
  • No voting rights
  • Cost to defer: $75 for full-time and $40 for daytime members for the deferred season.