2024 Junior Camp
random costume winner

Random Tournament: a fun way to end the 2021 season

Rain may have delayed the start (a familiar theme this season), but by midday on Sunday (Oct. 31), the courts were dried and a whole lot of random fun began for our Closing Day Random Tournament.

More than 60 DTC members came out to participate in our last event of the season, some dressed up in costumes and others in plain old tennis attire — along with one special tennis costume.

With pizza and Hallowe’en candy to sustain them (hoping no dentists or nutritionists were among the players), DTCers were randomly paired up to play tiebreak competitions, going into the winners’ or losers’ bowls — two losing rounds and you were out — to be randomly teamed up again as the tournament whittled players down to the final two.

Congratulations go to Robert Perez (you may know him better from the day as a tantalizing hot dog) and Craig Amos   for their randomly excellent performance on the court. We also acknowledge Manny Urbino and Joo Lee  as the finalist runners-up.

Recognition and a $20 gift card also goes to Isabel Geretywho won best costume for her very creative and impressive, homemade, hand-sewn and glued top-to-bottom tennis costume.

We also applaud everyone who showed up in costume. There were some other fantastic get-ups as well.
Have a look below for a few other photos as memories of the day.

We had a great 2021 and look forward to doing it again next year!!