Social Tennis

Friday or Saturday Night Life at Davisville 

Davisville Tennis Club – where your social life means TENNIS

Social tennis runs 10 times during the season, on Saturdays from 6pm-9pm. Relaxed atmosphere, friendly doubles matches, as much fun as you can deliver – tennis at it’s best! At the end of the night all participants are invited to a watering hole in the nearby . 

How it works

You will be matched with players of similar ability for two 45 minute doubles matches, followed by a social event that is pre-arranged by our Social committee. It’s a great way to meet new friends and tennis partners!

Sign up

Sign-up for the reserved Social Tennis members begins by email invitation on the Monday morning prior to the event.

Late Cancellations

Note that If you cancel after 5 pm. on the Friday immediately before the Social Tennis date, we apply a $3 fee. This is to deter late cancellations, as they can mess up the draw for all of the other players.


All dates are Saturday evenings,from 6 to 9 pm. The location of the Social that follows tennis will be provided prior to or at the event.


Registration for each Social Tennis event is capped at 48 players. Reserved spots are available for a $20 fee (payable on or after Opening Day) which guarantees entry to all scheduled events

Wait List

Once signed up, you will receive a confirmation email that you have been successful registering. If the event is full, you can be placed on the Waiting List and will be notified if a spot opens up.

Keeping sharp between tennis games

2024 Schedule is coming!

The participants in Saturday Social Tennis generally prefer to stretch their legs under a table in a nearby bar. However, we are big promoters of healthy living: 5 min of stretching in the park…. followed by a short walk to the bar!
