Competitive Tennis


If you are competitively inclined or simply want to test your playing level against others in the club, then you will want to play in our annual tournaments. Read more.

League Teams

Davisville has five competitive Intercounty teams: Intercounty Mixed Majors Doubles, Intercounty Mixed A Doubles, Intercounty Mixed B Doubles, Intercounty +55 Doubles and Daytime Ladies B Doubles. All members of Davisville are eligible and encouraged to tryout for these teams. Intercounty teams play from May until mid August. Read more.

DTC Ladder – Singles Tennis

The Ladder is for those who enjoy competitive singles tennis. Participants have the advantage of pre-booking a court to play with other Ladder participants. The cost to join the ladder is $10 per member. Ladder play begins on Sunday, May 1st. Sign up on Opening Day or anytime thereafter. Look for the Ladder rules on the Clubhouse bulletin board, next to the Ladder ranking board. Read more.

House League – Doubles Tennis

The House League is an in-house competition that offers competitive doubles matches for those interested in belonging and competing as a member of a team. All participants are divided in 6 teams. Each team has a captain that chooses the players competing during each match-up. At the end of the season, one team is declared the winner. Read more

Social Tennis – Doubles Tennis

Social tennis is all about competing in a very friendly atmosphere, meeting players and having fun. During the season we offer 10 sessions, during Saturdays 6pm-9pm when all courts are going to be filled with either men’s, ladies’ or mixed doubles players. At the end of the evening everybody ends up in a bar nearby. Read more