Our Tournaments
We run Singles and Doubles Tournaments, at all Skill levels
Playing in a Davisville tournament is a great way to not only play tennis in a fun and competitive environment but also an excellent way to meet new people. There are however, some rules.
Note: Participation in tournaments is limited to Full Members only
Tournament Levels
Level A Tournament
Consists of players rated 4.5 and above.
Level B Tournament
Consists of players rated at 3.5 and 4.0
Level C Tournament
Consists of players rated at 3.0 &under
Play in, find your limits
We are here to assist
Registrations will begin closer to the date of each tournament. Once the Tournament is announced, players can register via CourtReserve/Events. The draw will be made public a couple of days before the tournament starts.
Registration for all tournaments opens the Monday two weeks prior and closes the Wednesday immediately prior to the start of the tournaments. There is a $5 fee for each player for each tournament.
Our Tournaments and schedule
“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits”
Tournament Rules
- Each tournament runs for seven days, from Monday through Sunday
- During each tournament, players can choose one weekday that they are unavailable to play; in doubles tournaments, partners must coordinate the chosen date beforehand. All participants must be available to play Friday evening after 7 p.m. and during club hours on both Saturday and Sunday.
For doubles tournaments, partners must each sign up individually. Those who would like to participate but have not found a partner must sign up as an individual, then contact teams and tournaments director, Gene Parker, who will do her best to team you up with someone. You can reach Gene at this e-mail.
- Registration for all tournaments opens the Monday two weeks prior and closes the Wednesday immediately prior to the start of the tournament.
- During each tournament, players can choose just one weekday that they are unavailable to play; in doubles tournaments, partners must coordinate the chosen date beforehand. All participants must be available to play Friday evening after 7 p.m. and during club hours on both Saturday and Sunday.
- Participants must meet all registration deadlines and tournament rules or may not be allowed to play at the discretion of the tournament director.
- The entry fee is $5 for every tournament. The fee includes a barbecue or other meal if held.
- All tournament registration is through Court Reserve. The entry fee will automatically be charged through Court Reserve at the time of registration.
- If a player defaults after registering, the fee may or may not be refunded at the discretion of the tournament director.
- Players have just 10 minutes to warm up.
- If a player or team is being assessed a penalty for being late, the time penalty is assessed when the player or team shows up. They are allowed a full warm-up from that point in time (10 minutes) without additional penalty.
- Refusing to Start:
- If a player or team refuses to start a match once the 10 minute warm up has expired the player or team will be issued an official warning.
- If this is the first infraction by the player / team, they will be issued an official warning.
- If the player / team still refuses to start they will be assessed a one game penalty.
- If the player / team still refuses to start they will default the match.
- If the player / team in question has already been issued an official warning, they will be defaulted.
- All Davisville members must be rated in order to participate in all tournaments. Non-rated players must attend a rating session before registration closes for any tournament they want to participate in.
- Only men and women aged 50 and older (inclcuding those turning 50 anytime during the calendar year) may participate in Masters tournaments.
- There are three levels of tournament play. A, B, and C. The C level tournaments consist of players rated at a 2.5 or 3.0 level. The B level tournaments consist of players rated 3.5 or below. The A level tournaments are open to any member of DTC but generally consist of players rated 4.5 and above.
- Draws are completed by the teams and tournaments director and his or her designate.
- .If players’ names are omitted from the draw due to administrative error, they will be added and the draw will be redone. If players are omitted but cannot provide name(s) are omitted from the draw due to administrative error, the draw will be redone. If players are omitted names are oe
- Links for draws will be provided in the club’s regular e-mail and website communication and posted on the courthouse as soon as they are ready.
- Each player is responsible for informing themselves about draw information, including their time of play during the tournament.
- Seeded players are determined by the club pro in consultation with the Teams and Tournaments director.his
- Matches are to be played during club hours on the day and at the time scheduled. Failure to play a scheduled match shall result in an automatic default.
- A match may be rescheduled if:
- weather conditions cause a delay. The length of the delay and the decision of whether to reschedule or continue play shall be at the discretion of the teams and tournaments director.
- the match has been cancelled by the teams and tournaments tournament director for weather or other reasons.
- an unexpected event arises for any of the players that is considered fair, reasonable and appropriate grounds for match rescheduling by the teams and tournaments director. In that event, both players must agree to a new time; if such a time cannot be found, the player seeking the rescheduling must default. In making the decision, the effects on other scheduled matches will be taken into consideration, including how it may effect the continuity and timely conclusion of the tournament. .
- for any other reason, if the tournament director, at his or her sole discertion, feels that it would be fair, reasonabnle and appropriate under the circumstance to reschedule the match. Such a decision will take into consideration how it may affect other scheduled matches and what any rescheduling delays may have on the continuity and timely conclusion of the tournament.
- Matches will start at their scheduled times . However, if playing courts are available earlier, the teams and tournaments director may ask for an earlier start if participants are available and agreeable.
- Players must show up and check in no less than 15 minutes prior to their start time for each match.
- For every five minutes that players are late for a scheduled match start time and beyond, they will automatically forfeit a game. When they are late 15 minutes or longer, they will automatically default the entire match.
- The accurate time will be decided according to the clock hung outside the gate entrance to court one.
- Each match is decided by the score of best out of three sets.
- Tie breakers are played at scores of six-all.
- The server is allowed 25 seconds between points.
- Players are allowed a 90-second break after the third game of the set and every two games thereafter.
- Players are allowed a 90-second break between the first and second set, and a 10-minute break between the second and third sets.
- All matches must be played at Davisville Tennis Club.
- Rain:
- If it is raining, tournament matches will be rescheduled.
- In the event of rain, please show up at the club. The Teams & Tournament Director (or designate) will reschedule the matches as court time allows.
- After Hours:
- Matches may be held after club hours at the discretion of the tournament director in the case that a match has not been completed by 10:30pm on a weekday or Saturday night or 6pm on a Sunday night.
- Finals:
- If the weather prevents play on Sunday, the match is to be played by the following Sunday
- If by the following Sunday the weather does not permit play, the final match is moved to the next available day as permitted by the weather.
- The only exception to the above is for quantifiable pre-arranged plans. In this case, the final is to be played within 7 days of return of player(s) and the match time will be determined by the opposing player(s).
- Fatigue and/or injury to either player shall not hold any weight towards a decision to delay match completion to another day.
- Substitutions may be made prior to completion of the first round.
- If seedings are affected by the substitution, the Tournament Director will either re-do the draw or place the player(s) in the app
- Two non-consecutive 5 minute injury timeouts are permitted during a match.
- Matches cannot be rearranged due to injury. Failure to play a match due to injury results in default.
- Are used only for the finals unless a request is made by player(s) prior to or during a match.
- The umpire will determine the final call and /or determine any rule violation, if requested by player(s) during the match.
- If a player argues with the umpire it may result in their disqualification.
- If a player exhibits any form of unsportsmanlike behavior the code of conduct will be enforced.
- Players that signed up for a tournament have until Friday at 5:00pm before the tournament starts to withdraw from the tournament without penalty.
- Players will be required to pay their tournament fee when withdrawing from a tournament after Friday at 5:00pm
- The Davisville Tennis Club’s Dress Code is in effect. Anyone not following the dress code will not be allowed to play.
- A modified point-penalty system similar to that outlined in the Yardstick will be followed (i.e. point, game, set, match).
- Conduct considered to be unsportsmanlike may result in removal from the tournament.
Contact Information
If you want more information about our tournaments, please contact Gene Parker at teamsandtournaments@davisvilletennisclub.com
During the tournament, call the clubhouse at: 416-481- 6569