what do you need to know
Everything about ladders
The Ladders are for those who enjoy competitive singles tennis. Ladder play allows for pre-booking of courts to play against other Ladder participants. You have the opportunity to play up to 4 matches a month against people of similar skill level. The better you play, the more points you score, the higher on the Ladder you go!

Two LADDERS: Regular and Daytime Mixed
How to sign up:
- Sign-up through your member Court Reserve portal, the ladders are listed under Events.
- Any signups that happen after the session started means that you will have to wait until the next session to start play, so don’t delay, sign up right away!
- If you have difficulties signing up. please visit the Courthouse during normal operating hours and contact the Court Steward on duty.
For more information please contact Nina at ladder@davisvilletennisclub.com
Rules of the game
Regular Ladder
This season: We will have time to run four sessions: April 29 – May31, June1st – June 30; July 1 – Aug. 15 and and Aug 16 – Sept. 30. Matches can be played at any time, day or evening, weekday or weekends. The players who play all their box matches, will receive and extra point. The prize will go to the player who goes to the top of the ladder at the end of the summer season.
- The Regular Ladder players MUST be Full Members of the club. The Ladder gives Davisville members the opportunity to play singles matches with a variety of players in a competitive, but friendly environment.
- The cost to join the Ladder is $20 for the season.
- Until April 30 you can join the ladder by signing up in the Events section of your Court Reserve member portal or in person during Opening day.
- After the first session starts, you can join the waitlist at any time by emailing pd@davisvilletennisclub.com, but new entrants can begin to play at the start of the following session only, if space available.
- The Ladder season runs from May to September in a box format.
- There will be 4-6 players in each box of the ladder, playing each other once during a month. All Ladder matches are to be played at Davisville Tennis Club, during Club hours, according to the club’s court booking rules.
- At the beginning of each month players will have access to their boxes and contact information for the players they need to play.
- Participants will be placed in a box with players of a similar skill level. Ladder participants must have a player rating OR the Player Development director must have an idea of your level of play.
- All players are equally responsible to arrange matches with their box opponents.
If both players are available to play during weekday daytime period, they can book a time slot online on any court available. Otherwise both players are responsible for booking their matches through the Court Reserve system, at a time convenient for both of them during weekday evenings and weekends. All matches are going to be 55 min.
During Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons you can play Instant Ladder:
If you and a current box opponent are both at the courts or are going to be later that day, you can tag up to play a Ladder match on any available court, with one MAJOR CONDITION. If you tag for a time and it becomes a DOUBLES ONLY time, you are NOT permitted to keep your court for Instant Ladder. Failing to comply with this rule will result in both players being removed from the ladder for the following month.
Questions and Answers
Q: What happens if my Ladder match gets rained out?
A: You are permitted to re-book it or play it via Instant Ladder.
Q: What happens if my opponent doesn’t show up because he/she thought it was raining or the courts were wet (and they were not)?
A: Only the Court Steward can determine when courts are unplayable. A default win will be recorded for the person that was there waiting. You are not permitted to rebook this match or play it via instant ladder.
Q: It rained during our ladder match and we didn’t get to finish! What do we do?
A: You are permitted to re-book it or play it via Instant Ladder.
- Please keep your warm up time under 10 minutes. Remember that you only have 45 minutes to play your match. The longer you warm up, the shorter your match will be.
- Ladder matches are 45 min. in duration (10 min warm-up) regardless of whether or not there is someone coming on the court after you.
- When serving for the first time, please allow FIRST IN. As the warm-up time usually does not allow for serve practice, this is recommended. If both players agree to NOT play FIRST IN, that is acceptable.
- The Ladder match is played as a Pro Set, regardless when the match is played. A Pro Set is a set where the winner is the first to win 8 games, by a margin of 2 (for example, 8-6). If a match is tied at 7-7, a 7-point tiebreaker is played to determine the winner of the match. The score after a tiebreaker will always be 8-7.
- If you have not reached the end of the Pro Set in the allotted time, whoever is ahead before time is up is declared the winner.
- All matches are played with advantages
- If the match is not completed within the length of your booking, whoever was leading the match gets credited for the win, unless the court remains open after your booking time ends and both players agree to remain to finish the match.
- In the event of a tied score in games and points at the end of a match, one more point must be played to determine the winner (our system cannot log ties). Players will spin a racquet to determine who gets to serve or receive for the match deciding point. The final point is worth one full game to be logged in the system in order to break any ties.
- Points will be awarded in the following manner:
- Win = 3 points Loss = 1 point Default = 0 points
- Players who participate in all of their monthly matches will receive 1 bonus point at the end of the month.
- Please record your scores online, via SkyCourt, unrecorded scores will not be counted. Record only finished games or tiebreaks, the system will award the points per above, but the amount of games won or lost might help the manager of the ladder to determine who goes up or down a box.
- If a match is rained out while in play before the booked time is up, players can arrange a new match. Scoring will start from scratch, not from where it was left off when play stopped because of rain.
- If a match will not be played for whatever reason, please read the default rules.
Type 1
If a player fails to attend or cancels within 24 hours of a booked match, the offending player loses by default. The “winner” is awarded 3 points, the defaulter 0 points. The match cannot be rebooked or played via instant ladder. Players cannot agree to reschedule within 24 hours of a booked match.
Type 2
A player who fails to respond to a match request with prospective play dates, or otherwise declines to play, will lose by default. This includes inability to play due to INJURY.
If in a period of fifteen consecutive days a player has sent three challenges with consecutive play dates, the
player may ask the Player Development director, by email, to approve a default.
Type 3
If you are late for your match (even 1 minute), you start the match down 1-0. If you are 5 minutes late, you start the match down 2-0. If you are 10 minutes late for your match, the match is considered a default. The Court Steward will release the court and any member present can now tag for that court.
Type 4
If both players fail to attend a booked match and neither player notifies the Court Steward to release the court, the match is considered complete and both players defaulted.
Matches will proceed unless in the opinion of the Court Steward the court is unplayable due to weather or other unforeseen circumstance. The Court Steward may call you in advance to let you know of the cancellation, but may not be able to.
Please call ahead if you think that your match might be cancelled for any reason.
Questions and Answers
Q: What happens if my Ladder match gets rained out?
A: You are permitted to re-book it or play it via Instant Ladder.
Q: What happens if my opponent doesn’t show up because he/she thought it was raining or the courts were wet (and they were not)?
A: Only the Court Steward can determine when courts are unplayable. A default win will be recorded for the person that was there waiting. You are not permitted to rebook this match or play it via instant ladder.
Q: It rained during our ladder match and we didn’t get to finish! What do we do?
A: You are permitted to re-book it or play it via Instant Ladder.
- After the end of each session, new boxes are created based on the results of play.
- As a general rule, those who win matches will rise and those that lose matches will fall. Adjustment of the Ladder boxes and addition of new players is at the discretion of the Ladder Manager.
- Anyone playing fewer than three matches during the month will be ineligible for promotion to a higher box.
- If you play no matches or default more than once, 2 months in a row, you will be removed from ladder play for the remainder of the season. Your fee will not be refunded.
- The top lady in the highest box on the Ladies Ladder, at the end of the season, will have the option of moving to the Men’s Ladder for next season. If she chooses to move to the Men’s Ladder, she will be placed into a box on the Men’s ladder with players of similar skill level and she will play in this ladder for the rest of the season.
- Prizes are awarded separately for the Men’s & Ladies’ Ladders. The players on the top of the top boxes are declared the Winner. They will receive their award at the Award Ceremony held at the Year End Party!
Rules of the game
Daytime Ladder
This season: players will not receive points for every game they won in their match, they will ONLY receive points for Winning (3), and for a loss(1). Daytime Ladder can be played ONLY during the weekday daytime period, Monday- Friday, 9am to 5pm. It is open for Full Members and Weekday Daytime Members. The sessions run as follows: Session 1:April 30 to May 30, Session 2: June1 to June 30, Session 3: July1 to Aug 15, Last session: Aug 16- Sept 30.
- The Ladder players can be Full Members or Daytime Members of the club. The Ladder gives Davisville members the opportunity to play singles matches with a variety of players in a competitive, but friendly environment.
- This will be a Mixed ladder, both men, women and juniors will be able to play. Boxes will be arranged around level of play.
- The cost to join the Ladder is $20 for the season.
- After the first session started, you can join a waitlist for the next session.
- The Ladder season runs from June to September in an online box format accessed through the Club’s website.
- There will be 4-6 players in each box of the ladder, playing each other once during a month. All Ladder matches are to be played at Davisville Tennis Club, during Club hours. Matches played during weekday daytime will be booked according to the Daytime booking rules.
- At the beginning of each month players will have access to their boxes and contact information for the players they need to play.
- Participants will be placed in a box with players of a similar skill level. Ladder participants must have a player rating OR the Player Development director must have an idea of your level of play. Daytime members who don’t know their level should check out this link, at the bottom of the page we have listed rating guidelines.
- All players are equally responsible to arrange matches with their box opponents.
Players are responsible for booking their matches through the Court Reserve system, at a time convenient for both of them during weekday daytime. All matches are going to be 55 min.
- Please keep your warm up time under 10 minutes. Remember that you only have 45 minutes to play your match. The longer you warm up, the shorter your match will be.
- Ladder matches are 45 min. in duration (10 min warm-up) regardless of whether or not there is someone coming on the court after you.
- When serving for the first time, please allow FIRST IN. As the warm-up time usually does not allow for serve practice, this is recommended. If both players agree to NOT play FIRST IN, that is acceptable.
- The Ladder match is played as a Pro Set, regardless when the match is played. A Pro Set is a set where the winner is the first to win 8 games, by a margin of 2 (for example, 8-6). If a match is tied at 7-7, a 7-point tiebreaker is played to determine the winner of the match. The score after a tiebreaker will always be 8-7.
- If you have not reached the end of the Pro Set in the allotted time, whoever is ahead before time is up is declared the winner.
- All matches are played with advantages
- If the match is not completed within the length of your booking, whoever was leading the match gets credited for the win. Unless the court remains open after your booking and both players agree to finish the match.
- In the event of a tied score in games and points at the end of a booking, one point must be played to determine the winner of the match as our system cannot log ties. Players will spin a racquet to determine who gets to serve or receive for the match deciding point. The final point is worth one full game to be logged in the system in order to break any ties.
- Points will be awarded in the following manner:
- Win = 3 points Loss = 1 points Default = 0 points
- Players who participate in all their monthly matches will receive 1 bonus point at the end of the month.
- Please record your scores online, via SkyCourt, unrecorded scores will not be counted. Record only finished games or tiebreaks, the system will award the points per above, but the amount of games won or lost might help the manager of the ladder to determine who goes up or down a box.
- If a match will not be played for whatever reason, please read the default rule
Type 1
If a player fails to attend or cancels within 24 hours of a booked match, the offending player loses by default. The “winner” is awarded 3 points, the defaulter 0 points. The match cannot be rebooked or played via instant ladder. Players cannot agree to reschedule within 24 hours of a booked match.
Type 2
A player who fails to respond to a match request with prospective play dates, or otherwise declines to play, will lose by default. This includes inability to play due to INJURY.
If in a period of fifteen consecutive days a player has sent three challenges with consecutive play dates, the
player may ask the Player Development director, by email, to approve a default.
Type 3
If you are late for your match (even 1 minute), you start the match down 1-0. If you are 5 minutes late, you start the match down 2-0. If you are 10 minutes late for your match, the match is considered a default. The Court Steward will release the court and any member present can now tag for that court.
Type 4
If both players fail to attend a booked match and neither player notifies the Court Steward to release the court, the match is considered complete and both players defaulted. (During weekday daytime, if both players don’t show up, they are allowed to book a court at another time.)
Matches will proceed unless in the opinion of the Court Steward the court is unplayable due to weather or other unforeseen circumstance. The Court Steward may call you in advance to let you know of the cancellation, but
may not be able to.
Please call ahead if you think that your match might be cancelled for any reason.
Questions and Answers
Q: What happens if my Ladder match gets rained out?
A: You are permitted to re-book it or play it via Instant Ladder.
Q: What happens if my opponent doesn’t show up because he/she thought it was raining or the courts were wet (and they were not)?
A: Only the Court Steward can determine when courts are unplayable. A default win will be recorded for the person that was there waiting. You are not permitted to rebook this match or play it via instant ladder.
Q: It rained during our ladder match and we didn’t get to finish! What do we do?
A: You are permitted to re-book it or play it via Instant Ladder.
- After the end of each session, new boxes are created based on the results of play.
- As a general rule, those who win matches will rise and those that lose matches will fall. Adjustment of the Ladder boxes and addition of new players is at the discretion of the Ladder Manager.
- Anyone playing fewer than three matches during the month will be ineligible for promotion to a higher box.
- If you play no matches or default more than once, 2 months in a row, you will be removed from ladder play for the remainder of the season. Your fee will not be refunded.
- Prizes are awarded separately for the Men’s & Ladies’ Ladders. The players on the top of the top boxes are declared the Winner. They will receive their award at the Award Ceremony held at the Year End Party!